El Cajon, CA is a beautiful city that is 17 miles east of Downtown San Diego. The name “El Cájon” is derived from Rancho El Cabón, which was named after the box-shaped valley that is part of the town. The nickname ‘The Box’ was also derived from this shape. A number of interesting facts and legends surround this city. Find out more about it below! You’ll also find a list of things to do in El Cajon, California.
The climate in El Cajon CA is warm during the summer and cool during the winter. During the summer, the average temperature is about twenty-six degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius). The temperature can reach as high as 105 degrees Fahrenheit on some days. In the winter, temperatures are cooler and the average low is forty-seven degrees (36 degrees Celsius) during December. However, it is not cold. It is cool enough for a good walk or jog.
The El-Cajon CA city website is a great resource to learn more about the city. This website is updated regularly and includes information on the city’s services and government. The website features links to the various departments and services provided by the city. You can find maps, contact information, and more! It is also easy to make payments online and even pay bills online. You’ll be able to check the weather conditions of your favorite restaurants in El-Cajon.
There are a lot of great places to visit and see in El Cajon, CA. We compiled a quick list here.
Point Of Interest #0 Best Place to buy a BBQ Grill
Point Of Interest #1 Wells Park, 1153 E Madison Ave, El Cajon, CA 92021
Point Of Interest #2 99 Cents Only Store, 1766 E Main St, El Cajon, CA 92021
Point Of Interest #3 San Diego Air and Space Museum Gillespie Field Annex, 335 Kenney St, El Cajon, CA 92020
Point Of Interest #4 Allen Airways Flying Museum, 2020 N Marshall Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020
Point Of Interest #5 Renette Park, El Cajon, CA 92020
Driving Directions To The Next Nearby Town/Suburb/Village/CDP/Unincorporated Area
Driving/Walking Directions From BBQ Island and Outdoor Kitchen Manufacturing Facility – Menifee, CA to POI #5