Smoking BBQ Meat In San Diego!

How Your BBQ Meat Can Get Tough When SmokingSmoking BBQ meat is all about, tasty flavorful meat with unmatched tenderness. Most smokers come with a list of basic recipes, but the real fun of smoking meat is finding exactly what you prefer. Slow smoking BBQ meat can give you flavors and tenderness that are easy to produce. The secrets to successfully smoking meat is great meat, great spices, great tools, heat control, timing, and – of course – smoke!

Basically, anything that is good for smoking BBQ meat will be great for grilling also. Smoking BBQ meat is a comprehensive introduction to the art of smoking. smoking meat is primitive methods of food preservation used by pioneers, early explorers, and primitive tribes. Many beginners assume that smoking BBQ meat can be an awfully puzzling and daunting activity.An important part of the smoking meat is keeping an arsenal of lit coals at your disposal to keep your smoker or grill at a constant temperature.

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The Science Of Barbecue – Smoking Meat

Why Do People Like Smoking Meat?

There are several reasons why people love smoking meat. The first and foremost is because it tastes darn good! The other reason is that it’s a preservation technique. This began centuries upon centuries ago when huts didn’t have chimneys and hunters would hang their meats to dry. Those meats nearer the smoke would preserve better than the dried meats that weren’t. And finally to add flavor, which also dates back to the ancient days when we began cooking meat on the fire. Think of smoking meat as almost like DNA memory. The scent of food cooking over the fire, the smell of smoke, triggers something rather primordial. Though that could just be a grilling enthusiast and confessed meat-a-tarian talking.

Don’t Chew The Fat; Melt It!

When you think about it, there are very specific foods that are smoked in preparation for consumption. Meats like ribs, brisket and pork shoulder to name a few. But really it’s any meat that benefits from a low and slow, long cooking treatment to get the best results. The thing these meats have in common is that they are full of connective tissue. This tissue is filled with collagen. Collagen, when cooked fast, contracts and gains the texture of a rubber band making your meat tough. But if you smoke or slow roast something, like a brisket, then the collagen breaks down and melts.

While melting, water gets into this collagen, and creates gelatin, basically giving you meat jello, which makes your meal tender, juicy, and flavorful. Triglycerides, or meat fat, are saturated fatty acids found in meat. These fatty acids have high melting points. That means that when you are smoking meats at lower temperatures for longer periods those fats melt. This process is called rendering and it is integral to making your meat juicy and flavorful. It is also needed to produce delightful gravies and sauces for other dishes. Read more here.

Knowing the type of wood that you use for smoking meat is an art and one that you should master if you want your meat smoked perfectly.

Are My Ribs Ready Yet?

There is an old joke among some competition cooks about how to tell if the ribs are ready. Take one slab of spareribs and one slab of baby back ribs and put them both in the smoker. When the baby backs are dry, the spareribs are done.

OK. Maybe that’s a bit extreme. But it underlines how hard it is to tell when ribs are ready. That’s because ribs come in so many different weights and thicknesses. Not to mention the fact that keeping an outdoor oven at a precise temp is tricky. So here are some guidelines and techniques for telling when they are done (click here for a Food Temperature Guide for other meats).

Done or ready?

I differentiate between “done” and “ready,” a fine semantic line, but an important one when it comes to barbecue. Meat is “done” when the temperature at its thickest point reaches the point at which it is safe to eat. That doesn’t mean it’s “ready”, though. According to USDA, ribs are “done” when they are 145°F internal temp, but they may still be tough. If you take them up to 190 to 203°F, the collagens and fats melt at this temp and make the meat more tender and juicy. Then they’re ready! See the diff?

How to tell when they are ready

Every grill and smoker is different and every slab of meat is different, so exact cooking time depend on a number of variables. I use a thermometer, but also use some other techniques. The time test. The ideal cooking temp is about 225°F, hot enough to brown the surface, to develop a crusty bark, and to melt fat and collagens. On most cookers, when the oven temp is 225°F at sea level, it takes about three to four hours to cook a slab of baby backs and about five to six hours to cook a slab of St. Louis cut ribs or spares. See more here.

By keeping the temperature steady, the low and slow method of smoking meat will pay off and the meat will be wonderfully tender and delicious.

the best 10 tips for smoking meat and using bbq smokers

Plenty guess that smoking food can be an awfully arduous and daunting affair. Smoking food is something that everyone can pull off. But few have the perseverance for. firstly, you need the right equipment. You have your pick of a wood smoker, charcoal, electric or gas smoker A modest upright smoker may be priced at less than fifty dollars online. However you Will not be capable of using it for much food.

Finally for the ten tips:

1. When you originally shop for your portions, go over with the butcher how long to smoke and grill and also what kinds of wood they suggest. They ARE the meat professionals and can give you helpful guidance.

2. You have got to carefully pick the flavor of wood you will grill with. There are available a few great cooking chips. Apple, Alder, Cherry, Hickory, Maple, Oak and Pecan and even more. An individual Wood chip contains its peculiar unique taste, thus select intelligently as which wood would compliment the meat the greatest.

3. As you are setting up the barbecue smoker grill you will need to build your fire pile on one side and position the food on the other side as far as you can do from the embers. Try to remember smoking your food is all about cooking the meal at a very,very slow pace. Consequently causing the great flavor to go completely within the food. Check full article here.

Smoking BBQ Meat is Smokin Hot!

The advantages of smoking BBQ meat are numerous.Smoking meat can offer irresistible flavors and, although it takes the time to do it properly, it is not a difficult process. Smoking BBQ meat will have you experimenting with endless combinations of woods, heats, meats, cuts, rubs, and sauces. Smoking BBQ meat will not only be very rewarding but will also bring in the neighbors and friends.

The long process of smoking BBQ meat can be fun and rewarding–that is, if you do it correctly. Smoking BBQ meat will indeed add flavor, but not when it’s a steak that will only be on the grill for a few minutes. With this in mind, knowing the many benefits of smoking BBQ meat will certainly make many individuals want to get to perform meat smoking techniques, contact us here: (888) 556-8121 for more ideas.


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