Charcoal Spit Is The Perfect For Getting Your Roast On
A wood-fired oven and charcoal spit are the sole cooking sources and the menu will expand to include slow-cooked meats and a variety of pizzas. Rotisserie cooking with a charcoal spit is a great way to prepare food and to ensure that it is cooked thoroughly throughout. Cooking with the Double charcoal spit is different from cooking with a standard BBQ Spit.Grilled chicken wings are generally acknowledged as the best in town and the sight of the “master” deftly grilling rows and rows of skewered chicken wings over a smoky charcoal spit can be mesmerizing.
We grill a whole chicken at least once a week and more often than not, on a rotisserie. Whether grilled over charcoal or gas, a rotisserie chicken is a meal of simplistic beauty. The slow roasting and self-basting action of the rotisserie creates one of the most succulent pieces of meat to grace my deck.
While my go-to chicken is a favorite, It is also only one of many meals I mount on a spit. When it comes to grilling, I like options, and a rotisserie is another great option in my grilling tool box. Here are some ideas for your next rotisserie dinner:
Prime Rib: Grilling a prime rib is a no-brainer. The flavor and texture beats anything out of the oven. How do you make it better? Put it on the rotisserie. Check out Kevin Kolman’s recent blog post and video for more details.
Ribs: Yes, ribs. One of my Dad’s favorite meals is when I use the rotisserie to grill ribs. On the Summit Grill Center, I can thread two racks of babyback ribs down the spit. They are different and delicious. Read more here.
Cooking food with a charcoal spit is not just an easy way to get taste-tempting, great looking food, but it is also one of the healthiest forms of cooking.
The Spin on Spit-Roasting
It’s one of the oldest and most universal cooking methods on Planet Barbecue. And few sights make us hungrier than a duck, chicken, rib roast, pork shoulder, or even a whole suckling pig or lamb—fat glistening, exterior crusty—spinning slowly on a turnspit next to the fire.
Spit-roasting no doubt emerged as the third great grilling technology (after direct grilling and shish kebab) in prehistoric times. By the Middle Ages, massive joints of meat spit-roasted in baronial fireplaces sustained large households—turned by hand by young male servants called “spit jacks.” Later, power to spits was ingeniously supplied by dogs running on treadmills, steam, mechanical clockworks, and finally, by electricity.
Spit-roasting rocks for many reasons:
- The slow rotation of the meat (or vertical, in the case of gyros, Döner kebab or tacos al pastor) on the spit guarantees even browning and caramelization of the meat proteins.
- Meat and poultry are self-basting as the melting fat and juices re-circulate through and over them as they cook.
- Spit-roasted foods cook evenly. See more here.
If your ultimate goal is convenience combined with minimal cleanup and you are willing to sacrifice some of the flavors of your meat then a charcoal spit is a great choice.
Primal Cooking: How to Roast Meat on a Spit
The practice of spit-roasting meat over an open fire goes back for at least 8,000 years, and probably much further than that. It’s cooking at its most primal — all you need is a hunk of meat, a stick, and some hot coals. Still today it’s a satisfying, tasty, and supremely elemental way to cook a meal. With this article we’ll show you the master techniques and practices that will take your spit-roasting beyond the merely primitive and turn out a platter of fire-cooked meat everybody will want to tear into.
The Spit
You have a few choices, depending on your aesthetic and technological leanings, and whether or not you want to invest a few bucks.
Counterintuitive as it may seem, wooden cooking tools can be serviceable and fairly durable, holding up many a roast before finally succumbing to the flames (and that end is usually an accident late at night and unrelated to cooking, when someone fails to recognize a stick as a tool and tosses it on the fire).
What wood ultimately lacks in permanence, it more than makes up for in other ways. Crafting your own spits and skewers is cheap and fun. And in at least one respect, using wooden tools makes roasting much more trouble-free. Check full article here.
A Charcoal Spit Can Be As Simple As Stick Over An Open Fire
The charcoal spit is the first way of turning raw meat into edible steaks that a hunter will encounter. A charcoal spit is easy to make and you’ll need to know how to cut copper pipe, sweat it together and drill holes in a round pipe. Charcoal spit is a precious possession that is designed and fabricated to last for the lifetime.
A large charcoal spit can offer enough meat instead of other meal options. Stainless steel is also easy to clean, and a charcoal spit can often even be put in the dishwasher, reducing the time and effort it takes to clean it and prepare it for the next time you need it. A charcoal spit can be adjusted in length by simply sliding one section away from the other, call us here: (888) 556-8121 for more tips.
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