BBQ Island Design San Diego Style
“Islands in the Sun” Step by Step Custom Built Process
[dropcap]1[/dropcap] Call Us or Send Us Your Design: How to get the Ball Rolling: You have a couple of options here. (A) If you already have a design idea in mind, send us your design idea online HERE. Or (B) Simply give us a Call Toll Free (888) 556-8121, between 9:am and 5:pm M – F and schedule your In-Home Consultation. There is no commitment or obligation on your part.
[dropcap]2[/dropcap] Schedule Your In-Home Consultation: If you send us your design idea online, we’ll give you a call to and discuss your BBQ Island Design idea or your Outdoor Kitchen Plans. If you choose to proceed we will schedule your first in home consultation. If you choose to go ahead and call schedule to schedule your first in home consultation, we will of course discuss your BBQ Plans or Outdoor Kitchen plans during your in home consultation.
[dropcap]3[/dropcap] We’ll do Q & A: During your in home consultation we will obviously have questions for you and you should also make a list of questions you have for us. Of course at any time during our discussions, if you think of a question or have a concern, please do not hesitate to ask so we can address your question or concern immediately.
BBQ Island Design San Diego Style – Some of Our Questions will be:
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- The type project you’re considering: BBQ Island Only, Outdoor Kitchen or a combination of those and an entertainment center. If you want a matching Fire Pit Table or Outdoor Fireplace, we will of course need to know that as well.
- We will need for you to show us the area where you plan to locate your Island, Kitchen or other property investments so we can take pictures of the area.
- Then we will discuss Layout, Design, Dimensions, Siding Covers (Stucco or Stone Veneer), Color Scheme, Counter Top Tile, Grill Components and accessories.
- We will go over fuel options for Grills, Fire Pit Tables or Fireplace covering the pros and cons of Natural Gas vs. Liquid Propane Gas.
[dropcap]4[/dropcap] Armed with Your Ideas and Pictures We Put it All Together: Once we are sure we have sufficient information to put together the initial plans together for your BBQ Island Design San Diego Style project and we have taken pictures of where your unit(s) will go in your property, we will head back to the plant, hand off the digital pictures to our graphics department and go to work the plans and proposal for your BBQ Island Design San Diego Style.
[dropcap]5[/dropcap] See Your Island Setting in Your Property BEFORE we Build It: Once we have completed the initial drawings we will also take a copy of those to our graphics department so they can do the 3-D Rendering of your new backyard addition. Our graphics people digitally will place it in the pictures where you indicated your new addition will be placed and email you the pictures. We will do a follow up call and confirm any changes required.
[dropcap]6[/dropcap] We Build your Unit and carefully deliver it: We deliver your BBQ Island, Outdoor Kitchen, Outdoor Entertainment Center, Fire Pit Table or Outdoor Fireplace with your components. Then it’s TIME TO PAAAAR-TAY 🙂
So if you have an idea for a BBQ Island Design, even if it is just a sketch on a napkin, Submit Your BBQ Island Design idea through our BBQ Island Design submission form. We’ll help make it a BBQ Island San Diego Style.